28 January 2010

Vote for 最具潜力天团接班人

5566, F4, SHE and MayDay had gathered a big group of supporters and fans. They are the Heavenly Band and Group since 2000 till now. ASIA ONLINE want everybody to give recognition to the most potential band or group to be the next Heavenly Band or Group in 2010.

小虎队, 草蜢, 5566, F4, SHE和五月天都是天团级人物. 至今, 没有新一代的团体组合可以登上天团宝座. ASIA ONLINE金曲奖主办单为网友们挑选出亚洲最有潜能的团体和组合, 让大家进行投票, 选出你们心中2010年的天团!

Closing Date 截止日期: 3月15日2010年, 中午12.00pm